The Nostromo BBS                        The Kobayahi Alternative (TKA) 
 (407) 575-5320                          (207) 784-2130  
 Auburn, Maine                           Jupiter, Florida
 The Wolf's Lair                         Eden's Exile  
 (201) 666-9472                          (718) 206-1861                    
 Westwood, New Jersey                    New York City, New York
 Delta Computer's BBS                    The Stygian Abyss 
 (201) 398-8559                          (312) 384-0616 
 Hopatcong, New Jersey                   Chicago, Illinois
 Star Streams                            Gus's BS BBS  
 (214) 938-7115                          (407) 366-6274
 Waxahachie, Texas                       Orlando, Florida
 The Fileworks BBS                       Mystic Caverns  
 (716) 377-3695                          (619) 442-7030
 Fairport, New York                      El Cajon, California
 The Aquarium/AWE BBS                    The AmiTrek BBS  
 (716) 885-8468                          (407) 348-3365 
 Buffalo, New York                       Kissimmee, Florida
 Amiga Lynx BBS
 (201) 368-0463
 Hackensack, New Jersey

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